Unified Field Theory
Riemann Hypothesis
Goldbach  Conjecture
Euler Constant
Who I am
2019 look back
UFT 2011-2017

    year of birth


    enjoying mathematics
    & theoretical physics
    as a hobby

education & experience

1976-1982, Mathematics & Economics, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Br., (D): Dipl.-Math., 1982

1982-1987, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Br. (D): Dr. rer. nat., 1985

1987-2020, Pharmaceutical Industry, Basel (CH).

PhD Thesis (1985), "Lokale Konvergenz der Ritz-Projektion auf Finite Elemente für Pseudo-Differentialgleichungen negativer Ordnung"


Braun K., Interior error estimates of the Ritz method for Pseudo-Differential equations, 1986