Unified Field Theory
Navier-Stokes Equations
Courant & Kummer
Riemann Hypothesis
Goldbach  Conjecture
Euler Constant
Who I am

                                       An Unified Field Theory

A particularly worrying symptom of the current state of affairs in physics is the so-called discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN. … But what was actually discovered were a number of unexplained signals obtained by extensive filtering methods, raising many questions for everyone who takes a sober perspective. …

Nevertheless, these signals are pushed to serve as evidence for the long-theorized Higgs boson supporting the „standard model“ of particle physics, although this standard model is not even a well-defined theory. Such an interpretation speaks more of desperation to valididate the past six decades of research and to shore up a model that is wobbling precariously under the weight of all the bits and pieces glued onto it to make it work“, (UnA) Prologue.

Braun, K., An unified field theory enabling a deductive structure of physics.pdf

                                       incl. Sept/Oct 2024 updates

The theory solves two Clay Institute Millennium Problems:

- the Yang-Mills & Mass Gap problem by making the Yang-Mills equations obsolete

- the Navier-Stokes Equation problem enabled by convergent mechanical & dynamical H(1/2) based energy norm estimates.

                                              Supporting data

Braun, K., A Krein space based quanta energy field model, supporting mathematics

Braun, K., Current physical and mathematical realities regarding an unified field theory


Braun K., UFT related list of papers